The Australian College of Ministries (ACOM) is an international provider of life-changing, ministry training experiences.

 The Australian College of Ministries (ACOM) is an international provider of life-changing, ministry training experiences. Originally birthed over eighty years ago (1942) as the Churches of Christ in NSW Theological College (Woolwich, Sydney), the college merged with Kenmore Christian College (Queensland) in 1999 to form The Australian College of Ministries (ACOM).

ACOM became a founding institutional member of the Sydney College of Divinity (SCD) in 1983, a consortium of theological colleges. This enables ACOM to teach SCD's government-recognised degrees from Diploma through to PhD.

In 2016 the Christian and Missionary Alliance of Australia (the C&MA) joined the college enabling ACOM to offer specific mission training courses for Intercultural Engagements. The Alliance Institute for Mission was formed and is a catalyst for the development and training of men and women for cross-cultural ministry.

Then in 2023, Stirling College came together with ACOM to begin the process of establishing ‘One National College’ for the Churches of Christ in Australia and the Christian and Missionary Alliance in Australia. Stirling College, established in 1907 as the College of the Bible – was the first Churches of Christ Theological College in Australia. Stirling has a rich and vibrant history, who’s passion and legacy continues within ACOM today for the common purpose of our students and mission.

Having chosen the ACOM Company and Brand as the vehicle to steward this Coming Together - The Stirling School of Community Care has been established as a vital and strategic piece for the college. It brings together: Counselling, Professional Supervision, Chaplaincy and, in 2024, Pastoral & Spiritual Care, bringing greater strength and diversity to ACOM offerings, particularly with the addition of Counselling.

Over the years ACOM, together with its legacy colleges, have produced thousands of graduates serving as ministers, evangelists, lay leaders, welfare workers, teachers, counsellors, chaplains, missionaries, and church planters.

ACOM now specialises in flexible delivery. It is a hybrid of distance learning experience, mixed with targeted in person and online student learning experiences, supported through Formation Groups and Unit Facilitations. ACOM has developed a national and international reputation for excellence and innovation. ACOM has staff (student support, academic, operations and leadership development), formation leaders, and unit facilitators across Australia.

ACOM has formed partnerships of mutual assistance in ministry development and training with like-minded training organisations such as Arrow Leadership, the Vineyard Movement, Full Gospel Churches in Australia, and Christian Venues Association. 

Churches of Christ has a historic commitment to unity amongst all believers which has ensured ACOM is an authentic and integrated cross-denominational gathering of students, staff, church, and ministry partnerships. 

The College has two institutional members:

Churches of Christ in NSW & ACT

The partnership of Churches of Christ in NSW & ACT – is an empowering gift that enables ACOM to pursue its mission and partner with interconnected initiatives.

Christian and Missionary Alliance of Australia

On 1st January 2017 The Christian & Missionary Alliance of Australia became an institutional member. This partnership adds the strength and experience of the Alliance movement who has a presence in over 81 countries around the world. This strategic partnership has seen the establishment of the Alliance Institute of Mission, a centre of excellence within the Australian College of Ministries.

Cultivate Magazine

For more stories on ACOMs history, please view our cultivate magazine.