Bachelor of Theology
In the Bachelor of Theology, students will develop a strong biblical and theological foundation and be equipped for long-term mission and ministry. The degree is tailored for God’s people wherever they work, minister and live in the church, workplace and community.
Students will explore biblical and theological issues and develop critical-thinking skills that will enable them to foster a culture of reflection in pastoral situations through sound biblical and theological frameworks. The study of biblical languages allows students to engage the biblical text at a new and profound level. ACOM’s spiritual formation process is interwoven throughout this degree, with the aim of enhancing the overall personal and spiritual development of students, challenging them to delve deeply into their relationship with God.
Course Information
Course: Bachelor of Theology (BTh)
Accrediting Body: Sydney College of Divinity
Australian Quality Framework Level: AQF 7
School: School of Bible, Theology and Ministry
Number of Units: 24 units/ 216 credit points (CP)
Study Mode: Online (with facilitated learning opportunities)
Course Duration: 3 years full-time or up to 9 years part-time
Course Plan
18 core units
/ Introduction to the Old Testament
/ Introduction to the New Testament
/ Hermeneutics
/ The Four Gospels
/ The Pentateuch
/ Romans
/ Introduction to Theology
/ The Church
/ The Person and Work of Christ
/ The Spirit of Life
/ The Trinity
/ Theological Ethics
/ Spiritual Formation 1 (Personal Transformation)
/ Spiritual Formation 2 (Community Transformation)
/ Spiritual Formation 3 OR another Spirituality elective
/ Hebrew I OR Greek I
/ Introduction to Christian History
/ The Restoration Movement (Churches of Christ only) OR C&MA Distinctives (Christian & Missionary Alliance only)
6 elective units
/ Christian Life and Ministry
/ Christian Spirituality
/ Mission
/ Pastoral Theology
/ Biblical Studies
/ Theology