Women’s Retreat: Fasting
Monday, 9th September - Wednesday, 11th September
“One of the main purposes of fasting is to wean us from our dependence upon God’s gifts and enable us to become dependent upon God alone.” Robert Mulholland.
By exploring the discipline of fasting, this retreat has the potential to teach you a great deal about yourself. Fasting is not about lack – it’s about feasting on God! This retreat will inspire you to fast from those things which control you and will develop in you an even greater hunger for God.
Retreat Details:
This retreat is for those in paid ministry, pastors, chaplains, and pastor’s spouses.
Date: 9th – 11th September 2024
Venue: Kangaroo Valley NSW
Cost: $250.00 (all inclusive)
Maximum participants: 9
Facilitator: Kerrell Ranucci
Why Attend a Spiritual Retreat?
We often find Jesus heading off to solitary places and praying. Retreats were a regular rhythm of Jesus’ life. Commencing with the introductory retreat of Solitude & Silence, each retreat offered is an invitation for the participants to explore one of the spiritual practices Jesus engaged with.
Retreats are designed to lead us on an increasingly intimate relationship with God, where His voice becomes clearer and His love more tangible. They are also a wonderful way to meet others in ministry from different locations and denominations. They are a safe, authentic confidential space where margin is created to be able to meet and engage with Jesus, the lover of your soul.
About Kerrell
Former pastor, Kerrell and her husband Andrew pioneered and planted Coast Community Church, a school and established two campuses on the Central Coast NSW, where they ministered for close to three decades. Kerrell is passionate about soul care for women in leadership and currently works with pastors in the areas of coaching, mentoring, and speaking in conference and workshop settings. She counts it an incredible privilege to host spiritual retreats for pastors, and recognises that the retreat space is such a unique gift for those in leadership, designed to deepen their spiritual life and allow their ministry to flourish.
Kerrell holds a MA in Spiritual Leadership (ACOM). You can find more info about Kerrell at soullife.org.
For more information about this retreat, please email: kerrell.ranucci@partnersinministry.com.