The Master of Counselling provides students with advanced professional skills for counselling ministry and for pastoral and spiritual formation. It nurtures the formation of professional identity and vision suitable for individual and relational counselling. The course equips graduates to engage in supportive and intensive therapies with psychological competence and theological congruence.

Committed engagement in supervision for personal and professional integration is essential to successful completion of the course.

This course meets the accreditation standards of the Australian Counselling Association (ACA) for the Counselling industry.

Course Information

Course: Master of Counselling (MCouns)
Accrediting Body: Sydney College of Divinity
Australian Quality Framework Level: AQF 9
School: Stirling School of Community Care

Number of Units: 12 units/ 108 credit points (CP)
Study Mode: Online (with facilitated learning opportunities)
Course Duration: 2 years full-time or up to 4 years part-time

Course Details

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