Masters of Theology
This degree builds on previous theological study. Students engaged in this degree can now focus on a particular area of interest and develop a significant research project. Throughout this programme, students will be exposed to various methodological tools.These tools allow students to reflect critically on the manner in which various disciplines intersect with each other.
Research skills that have been established will be advanced to new levels.
The purpose of the academic rigor of this degree is to provide fresh biblical and theological insight for ministry, and to prepare potential students for further research study at a doctoral level.
Course Information
Course: Master of Theology (MTh)
Accrediting Body: Sydney College of Divinity
Australian Quality Framework Level: AQF 9
School: School of Bible, Theology and Ministry
Number of Units: 12 units/ 108 credit points (CP)
Study Mode: Online (with facilitated learning opportunities)
Course Duration: 1.5 years full-time or up to 4.5 years part-time
Course Plan
4 core units
/ Spiritual Formation 4 (Personal Transformation)
/ Research Methodology
/ Research Project or Essay (worth 2 or 4 units)
3 Electives from the sub-discipline of specialisation/research
/ Christian Life and Ministry
/ Christian Spirituality
/ Mission
/ Pastoral Theology
/ Biblical Studies
/ Theology