Graduate Certificate in Chaplaincy


The Graduate Certificate in Chaplaincy focuses on building capacity in Chaplaincy for people involved in a wide scope of religious, non-profit, community-focused enterprises. Students may be working for denominationally based organisations in education, welfare, aged care, local church or other ministries requiring specific leadership training for ministry or mission.

Number of Units


Duration of Course

0.5 years full-time
1.5 years part-time

Entry Requirements

A completed undergraduate degree in any discipline

Core Units Required

2 core units:
/ The Art and Science of Chaplaincy
/ Focussed Study in Chaplaincy or
/ Supervised Ministry 1

2 elective units:
/ Working with Grief & Trauma
/ Introduction to Pastoral Counselling
/ Pastoral Counselling in Ministry
/ Well-being & Resilience for People Helpers
/ Focussed Study in Chaplaincy
/ Supervised Ministry 1


Standard unit: $2,690 (specialty units excluded)

Future Pathways

Students who complete this award can continue their educational pathway with other Specialist Graduate Certificates, the MA, MDiv, MLead or MThSt.

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