ACOM / Books & Publications / Arthur Stephenson: Preacher, Editor, Teacher


Arthur Stephenson: Preacher, Editor, Teacher

172 in stock


Arthur Stephenson once described himself as ‘a boy from North Fremantle’, and so he was. But that boy, who lived his early life in the tranquillity of Attadale and left school at age 15, finished his education with a Master of Arts in Classics and Philosophy. Moreover, he became one of the most influential men of his generation in the Restoration Movement in Australia.

His pastoral ministries were successful, his period as editor of the Churches of Christ national journal the Australian Christian gave him wide recognition, and his long service as principal of the Woolwich Bible College contributed significantly to shaping the ministry of Churches of Christ in Australia and beyond.

For all his high status he was a quietly spoken, humble man. His character was marked by guileless simplicity and and unpretentious holiness. Affectionately known as ‘The Chief’ by his students he was held in high regard by all. While Arthur Stephenson’s leadership was important, it was who he was that counted.

Weight .606 kg
Dimensions 24 × 16 × 1.5 cm