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The Heart of an Elder

Are you an elder, or considering serving as an elder in your church? The Heart of an Elder invites you on a two-week journey exploring what the scriptures have to say about a crucial role.

241 in stock

Topics: Leadership

Are you an elder, or considering serving as an elder in your church? The Heart of an Elder invites you on a two-week journey exploring what the scriptures have to say about a crucial role. This practical book will help you discern whether, and know how, to serve in healthy, biblical and sustainable ways.

About the Author:
Stephen Parker is currently an elder at Springwood Church of Christ and the Academic Coursework Manager at the Australian College of Ministries. He’s previously served in youth ministry for fourteen years including with the National Youth Ministry Convention, State Youth Games (QLD), the Churches of Christ in QLD and Springwood CofC. He enjoys running the forests near his home in Rochedale South where he lives with his wife Ruth and four daughters.

Weight 0.5 kg
Dimensions 24 × 16 × 0.6 cm