ACOM / Study / Apply / Credit Transfer

Credit Transfers

Students have the opportunity to have their previous completed study recognised with ACOM. These studies must be comparable in content, outcomes and level of study to units within ACOM delivered awards, and successfully completed at other institutions. Here are a few things you will need to know about the Credit Transfer application and process.

Before You Start

All documents submitted to ACOM as part of the credit transfer application must be certified. The original document/s must be sighted by the authorised person providing certification.

The photocopy of the original needs to be certified by a Justice of the Peace, Police Officer, Notary Public, Lawyer, Accountant, Bank Manager, Minister of Religion or Pharmacist. ACOM Staff and Learning Cohort Coordinators can also certify documents for ACOM purposes.

The authorised person should sign and certify the copy with the wording to the effect:

‘I have sighted the original and certify this is a true and correct copy’,

and must include the signature, name of certifying person, qualification, and date signed (certification of the document by qualified certifying person must be of current date/year)

If you are applying for credit from previous study, it can only be from institutions that are accredited within Australia, or an abroad institute that is recognised by the Australian Government. Applications for unrecognised institutes cannot be processed by ACOM.

Credit for previous study is normally limited to studies within the last 10 years. Exceptions may be made for students who can provide evidence (resume) demonstrating that they have kept their units current through ongoing professional development.

Approved credit transfers are applied to a student’s program as foundational and/or advanced block credit in subject areas called sub-disciplines offered by the SCD. Credit transfer cannot be given as specific units.

SCD Sub-disciplines include:

  • A = Humanities
  • B= Biblical Studies
  • C= Pastoral Counselling
  • L= Worship and Liturgy
  • M = Mission
  • P = Pastoral Theology
  • S = Christian Spirituality
  • T = Theology

Undergraduate credits can be from both Christian and non-Christian studies.

For completed accredited study in Ministry, Theology and Divinity, credit can be granted for completed Cert IV courses and units from university Bachelor level courses and above.

For completed accredited study in non-theological awards, credit can be granted for completed courses only, starting from TAFE Diploma level.

Postgraduate credits can only be from accredited study completed in Ministry, Theology and Divinity. Credit will be granted for equivalent units that are offered at ACOM.

Award LevelAQF Level Total Course Credit PointsMaximum Credit Points Allowed Toward Course
Associate Degree714472
Grad Certificate83618
Grad Diploma87236
Grad Diploma (Lead)87218
Masters (Lead)97218
Masters (Divinity)9216144

Online Application

  • Certified Transcripts – Students will be required to submit a certified copy of the transcripts which contain the units that are being request for transferring credit. If your transcript is not certified your application will not be accepted. See above for certification requirements.
  • Current Resume – Credit for previous study is normally limited to studies within the last 10 years. If you have submitted a transcript where the last unit studied was over 10 years ago please provide a current resume that shows you have kept the units current through professional development or experience. The 10 years is calculated from the start date of your first unit.

You can select the ‘Save’ button to save your progress and come back and finish your application later. When saving your progress, your data will be captured. However, any uploaded documents may not be and will need to be emailed separately to ACOM.

Note that when reopening a saved application, you will need to copy and paste the link emailed by the site directly into your web browser.

Once you have submitted you application you can expect to hear back from ACOM within four weeks with further information and timeframes for you application. If you have provided everything we need, we will then officially lodge your request to the SCD Student Services and Administrations Committee. The entire process may take several months.

If you’re ready to proceed with the application, click the button below. If you have any questions, please contact us.