ACOM / Study / Apply / Credit Transfer

Credit Transfer, Exemption or Recognised Prior Learning (RPL)

Students have the opportunity to have their previous completed study recognised with ACOM or to apply for an exemption from required units based on previous accredited study. These studies must be comparable in content, outcomes and level of study to units within ACOM delivered awards. 

Before You Start

Credit may be granted for studies completed at another accredited institution on the basis of AQF level, volume of learning and discipline of study.

Exemption from required units based on previous accredited study may be granted on the evidence that the completed study is equivalent to a specific requirement of the course and on the basis that the learning outcomes have been achieved, the AQF level has been met and the requirements for discipline have been fulfilled.

Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) is the award of credit for non-accredited learning (e.g. non-formal or informal) for which evidence exists to show that through the non-accredited learning experience the applicant achieved learning outcomes comparable to those of an ACOM unit or units.  

You will be required to complete the application form below and submit this with all required evidence to Please contact the Registrar Team or your Student Engagement Manager for further information.

Granted RPL units will be charged the cost of a standard undergraduate or postgraduate unit.

All transcripts submitted to ACOM as part of the credit transfer or exemption application must either be coloured copies or be certified. Certification requires the original document/s to be sighted by the authorised person providing certification.The photocopy of the original needs to be certified by a Justice of the Peace, Police Officer, Notary Public, Lawyer, Accountant, Bank Manager, Minister of Religion or Pharmacist. ACOM Staff and Learning Cohort Coordinators can also certify documents for ACOM purposes.

The authorised person should sign and certify the copy with the wording to the effect: ‘I have sighted the original and certify this is a true and correct copy’, and must include the signature, name of certifying person, qualification, and date signed (certification of the document by qualified certifying person must be of current date/year).

If you are applying for credit from previous study, it can only be from institutions that are accredited within Australia, or an abroad institute that is recognised by the Australian Government. Applications for unrecognised institutes cannot be processed by ACOM.

Credit may only be granted for a specific unit or units, or for a complete award provided the units or award completed are no more than ten years before the year in which the application is made.

Credit is awarded up to two-thirds of an undergraduate award or one-half of a postgraduate award, unless otherwise specified in the course regulation.

Undergraduate credit can be from both Christian and non-Christian studies. For completed accredited study in non-theological awards, credit can be granted for completed courses only, starting from TAFE Diploma level.

Postgraduate credits can only be from accredited study completed in Counselling, Ministry, Theology and Divinity. Credit will be granted for equivalent units that are offered at ACOM.

Online Application