Online 2025 Unit Enrolment Form "*" indicates required fields Attendee Type*Please selectStudentAudit for Future Credit (must be an enrolled student in a current award)AuditStudent NumberThis number is your Moodle User Name. For new students this number can be found on your confirmation of admission email. Name* First Last Email* Enter Email Confirm Email State*Please selectNew South WalesQueenslandSouth AustraliaTasmaniaVictoriaWestern AustraliaAustralian Capital TerritoryNorthern TerritoryInternationalAre you a cross-institutional student?Please selectYesNoWhat is your home institution?*Please note that this enrolment must be approved by your home institution, and confirmation of approval emailed to Are you in the process of changing course?*Please selectYesNoHave you submitted an Admission Form?*Please selectYesNoPlease see New Admission Form.Level of Study*Please selectDiplomaBachelorPostgraduateCourse*Please selectUndergraduate Certificate in MinistryDiploma of MinistryAdvanced Diploma of MinistryDiploma of Christian StudiesBachelor of MinistryBachelor of TheologyGraduate Certificate in Theological StudiesGraduate Diploma of Theological StudiesMaster of TheologyMaster of Theological StudiesMaster of DivinityGraduate Certificate in ArtsGraduate Diploma of ArtsMaster of ArtsGraduate Certificate in Intercultural MinistryMaster of Intercultural MinistryGraduate Certificate in LeadershipGraduate Diploma of LeadershipMaster of LeadershipGraduate Certificate in Leadership CoachingGraduate Certificate in Governance and StrategyBachelor of CounsellingGraduate Certificate in CounsellingMaster of CounsellingGraduate Certificate in Professional SupervisionGraduate Diploma of Professional SupervisionMaster of Professional SupervisionGraduate Certificate in ChaplaincyCourse*Please selectUndergraduate Certificate in MinistryDiploma of MinistryAdvanced Diploma of MinistryDiploma of Christian StudiesBachelor of MinistryBachelor of TheologyGraduate Certificate in Theological StudiesGraduate Diploma of Theological StudiesMaster of TheologyMaster of Theological StudiesMaster of DivinityGraduate Certificate in ArtsGraduate Diploma of ArtsMaster of ArtsGraduate Certificate in Intercultural MinistryMaster of Intercultural MinistryGraduate Certificate in LeadershipGraduate Diploma of LeadershipMaster of LeadershipGraduate Certificate in Leadership CoachingGraduate Certificate in Governance and StrategyGraduate Certificate in Professional SupervisionGraduate Diploma of Professional SupervisionMaster of Professional SupervisionGraduate Certificate in ChaplaincyAre you studying as part of a Learning Cohort?*This is for students who are engaged in a Cohort experience alongside their ACOM studies. If you are unsure, please select No.Please selectYesNoHiddenPlease select your Learning Cohort*Please selectArrow Coach MasteryArrow EmergingArrow ExecutiveConverge AustraliaCollege of Ministry Leadership (Full Gospel Australia)Local Church Ministry CollegeRous Road CommunityThe TopsYork Street Church of ChristAccelerate (CCVT)The Emerging Leaders Program (CCCVaT)Woden Valley Alliance ChurchUnit enrolments for cohort students can be submitted here. If you have any questions, please speak to your Cohort Coordinator.Student Engagement ManagerPlease selectBrooke BourdonKaye SchelbachRod ClementsStephen ParkerCounsellingUnsureHiddenStudentHiddenTemporary: Learning CohortUnits Select Trimester Select Unit / Cohort Unit Select Unit Delivery Mode Payment Type Edit Delete No units selected. Please add a unit by clicking the button below. Add Unit Unit Not Found I cannot find my desired unit Please provide information of the unit you are trying to locate and our team will be in contact*HiddenParent Entry ID HiddenPayment Type FEE-HELP: Defer tuition using FEE-HELP UPFRONT: Pay tuition using Direct Deposit or Credit Card Mixed Payment FEEHELP UPFRONT MIXED HiddenCohort Unit IDs 2357 2338 2382 2440 4235 4234 HiddenUnit IDs 2558 2357 2524 2411 2511 2458 2338 2440 2303 2310 2315 2384 2366 2415 2424 2421 2543 2432 2394 2358 2273 2401 2402 4789 2493 2501 2328 2331 2326 2321 2329 2330 2323 2322 2526 2528 2556 2545 4791 2400 2448 2403 2422 4790 2509 2391 2438 2514 2515 2347 2324 2325 2430 2426 2542 2423 2414 2407 2513 2308 2505 2348 2333 2500 2452 2512 2488 2544 2416 2428 2427 2431 2460 2318 2319 2389 2435 2449 2404 2547 4779 2562 2559 2373 2418 2419 2405 2522 2311 2555 2518 2378 2462 2383 2390 2507 2446 2546 2497 2305 2380 2508 2370 2314 2377 2429 2320 2327 2334 2363 2379 2356 2361 3943 2396 2553 4785 4786 2463 2355 2335 2376 2337 2496 2417 2441 2367 2456 2425 2464 2397 HiddenFEE-HELP or Mixed PaymentNote that deferring the costs of tuition using FEE-HELP can only be used for unit fees, and requires you to have submitted an initial eCAF (electronic FEE-HELP form) for your current course of study. For more information please access the Study Assist website.* By selecting FEE-HELP as my payment method I authorise the unit fee to be added to my FEE-HELP loan.* * I understand that if I am not eligible for FEE-HELP or do not submit the required FEE-HELP eCAF before census date, that my payment method will be automatically changed to UPFRONT.* HiddenUPFRONT PaymentAre you a pensioner?Please selectYesNoPension CardIf you haven't already provided a copy to ACOM, please upload your pension card here. Note your enrolment will be held until a pension card is provided. Drop files here or Select files Accepted file types: jpg, png, pdf, Max. file size: 12 MB, Max. files: 1. HiddenUPFRONT Payment or Mixed PaymentUPFRONT Payment Plan*Students paying for their units UPFRONT (including mixed payment) are required to make payment before the start of trimester. However, a monthly payment plan can be requested to divide the cost into smaller regular payments over the study period. Students requesting a payment plan must ensure that one third of the total cost of the unit is paid by census date, and the full amount due by the end of the study period. Would you like to request a payment plan for your UPFRONT fees?Please selectYesNoTerms and Conditions 1. Purpose of the Agreement The purpose of this Agreement is to facilitate a Payment Plan between the Australian College of Ministries (ACOM) and ACOM students who require special consideration for upfront student fees or outstanding fees. Approval of the Payment Plan is at the sole discretion of ACOM and is intended to assist students who are in genuine need of short-term financial support. 2. General Terms In addition to the T&C’s of this agreement, students enrolled at ACOM have already agreed to be bound by the ACOM Enrolment Terms and Conditions which also still apply. A copy of these Terms and Conditions can be viewed at To be eligible for enrolment in additional subjects, the Payment Plan obligations must be finalised and completed by the agreed date. ACOM will not issue Graduation Certificates until all student fees are fully paid. The minimum instalment amount and duration of the payment plan needs to be negotiated and approved by ACOM’s Financial Controller. Payment Plans for Upfront Student Fees need to be paid off within the current study period and any outstanding fees need to be paid off within a maximum timeframe of 12 months. All instalments must be paid on or before the due date, unless the student has notified ACOM in advance and received an approval for late payment. 3. Non-Compliance with Payment Plan ACOM reserves the right to cancel any pending enrolments and suspend student access to online resources in the event that a student fails to make payments as and when it falls due. Repeated payment defaults and non-compliance with the Payment Plan schedule will result in: - all outstanding fees becoming immediately due and payable; - outstanding debts being forwarded to a debt collection agency; and - the student being required to pay additional fees associated with the debt collection process. Note that this form requests a payment plan; however, it does not guarantee it will be approved. Student history and outstanding fees will be weighed against further requests.*Terms and Conditions 1. Purpose of the Agreement The purpose of this Agreement is to facilitate a Payment Plan between the Australian College of Ministries (ACOM) and ACOM students who require special consideration for upfront student fees or outstanding fees. Approval of the Payment Plan is at the sole discretion of ACOM and is intended to assist students who are in genuine need of short-term financial support. 2. General Terms In addition to the T&C’s of this agreement, students enrolled at ACOM have already agreed to be bound by the ACOM Enrolment Terms and Conditions which also still apply. A copy of these Terms and Conditions can be viewed at To be eligible for enrolment in additional subjects, the Payment Plan obligations must be finalised and completed by the agreed date. ACOM will not issue Graduation Certificates until all student fees are fully paid. The minimum instalment amount and duration of the payment plan needs to be negotiated and approved by ACOM’s Financial Controller. Payment Plans for Upfront Student Fees need to be paid off within the current study period and any outstanding fees need to be paid off within a maximum timeframe of 12 months. All instalments must be paid on or before the due date, unless the student has notified ACOM in advance and received an approval for late payment. 3. Non-Compliance with Payment Plan ACOM reserves the right to cancel any pending enrolments and suspend student access to online resources in the event that a student fails to make payments as and when it falls due. Repeated payment defaults and non-compliance with the Payment Plan schedule will result in: - all outstanding fees becoming immediately due and payable; - outstanding debts being forwarded to a debt collection agency; and - the student being required to pay additional fees associated with the debt collection process. Note that this form requests a payment plan; however, it does not guarantee it will be approved. Student history and outstanding fees will be weighed against further requests. I agree to the Payment Plan details completed above and understand the terms and conditions of this agreement. I acknowledge that payment is required on the 15th of every month over the study period.*UPFRONT payments without a monthly payment plan must be paid in full by the start of trimester. Formal invoices will be emailed with your confirmation of enrolment.HiddenAudit for Future Credit or AuditSelect Trimester*Please selectTrimester 1 2025Trimester 2 2025Trimester 3 2025Year Long 2025Summer 2025Select Units* B5110C Introduction to the Old Testament B5150C Introduction to the New Testament B5152C The Synoptic Gospels C5127C Introduction to Chaplaincy C5192C Chaplain as Carer: Helping Youth in Need H5100C Introduction to Christian History H5194C Christian History Fieldwork (Holy Lands) M5100C Introduction to World Mission M5109C Introduction to Discipleship M5160C Personal Evangelism P5101C Introduction to Pastoral Care P5104C Foundations for Ministry Training P5110C Introduction to Youth Ministry P5113C Children's Ministry P5148C Introduction to Christian Worship P5150C Proclaiming the Good News P5155C Introduction to Christian Leadership P5171C Supervised Ministry 1 P5171C Chaplaincy Supervised Ministry P5172C Supervised Ministry 2 P51XXC Christian Community Engagement S5101C Spiritual Formation T5105C Introduction to Christian Doctrines T5110C The Person and Work of Christ A7100C Academic Research and Writing A7112C Hebrew I A7122C Greek I A7212C Hebrew II A7222C Greek II B7110C Introduction to the Old Testament B7150C Introduction to the New Testament B7192C Isaiah B7203C Hermeneutics B7204C Trauma Hermeneutics B7212C Studies in the Pentateuch B7231C Prophetic Literature B7253C The Four Gospels B7261C Romans B7292C The Preaching of Genesis C7100C Introduction to Counselling C7227C Introduction to Chaplaincy C7245C Understanding and Working with Grief and Trauma H7100C Introduction to Christian History H7263C The Restoration Movement H7294C Christian History Fieldwork (Holy Lands) M7100C Introduction to Intercultural Mission M7109C Introduction to Discipleship M7143C Ministering to the Muslim World M7191C Missiological Hermeneutics M7193C Global Community Development M7220C Anthropology for Christian Mission M7227C Intercultural Communication M7228C Engaging in Intercultural Ministry (Mission Fieldwork) M7240C Encountering Living Faiths M7260C Personal Evangelism M7291C Spiritual Warfare and Mission M7291C The Missional Leader P7101C Introduction to Pastoral Care P7104C Foundations for Ministry Training P7105C Issues and Ethics in Professional Practice P7110C Foundations for Youth Ministry P7132C Church Planting P7148C Introduction to Christian Worship P7150C Preaching 1 P7193C Strategic Thinking and Decision Making P71XXC Christian Community Engagement P7213C Children's Ministry P7215C Developing A Youth Ministry P7216C Youth Ministry and Personal Growth P7221C Conflict Management P7222C Mastering Change P7224C Pastoral Care and Mental Health P7236C The Theology and Practice of Social Justice P7251C Preaching 2 P7255C Foundations of Christian Leadership P7258C Team Ministry Skills P7259C Christian & Missionary Alliance Distinctives P7271C Supervised Ministry 1 P7271C Chaplaincy Supervised Ministry P7272C Supervised Ministry 2 P7290C Capstone in Pastoral Theology P7292C Understanding Vocation and Purpose S7103C Spiritual Formation 1 (Personal Transformation) S7106C The Art and Science of Formation S7107C Creativity and Spirituality S7203C Kingdom Life S7205C Spiritual Formation 2 (Community Transformation) S7262C Spiritual Mentoring S7263C The Art of Discernment T7101C Introduction to Theology T7140C Biblical Theology of Mission T7204C Christian Apologetics T7210C The Person and Work of Christ T7214C The Trinity T7216C Spirit of Life T7228C The Church T7241C Theology of Joy T7249C Theological Ethics T7292C Suffering and Hope in Christian Theology A8100C Academic Research and Writing A8112C Hebrew I A8113C Hebrew II A8122C Greek I A8123C Greek II B8110C Introduction to the Old Testament B8150C Introduction to the New Testament B9203C Hermeneutics B9204C Trauma Hermeneutics B9212C Studies in the Pentateuch B9220C Joshua to Kings B9229C Wisdom & Poetry in Israel B9231C Prophetic Literature B9232C Isaiah B9253C The Four Gospels B9258C Lukan Literature B9261C Romans B9291C The Interpretation and Preaching of Genesis C8100C Introduction to Counselling C8127C Introduction to Chaplaincy C8145C Understanding and Working with Grief and Trauma C8166C Wellbeing and Resilience for People Helpers H8100C Introduction to Christian History H8163C The Restoration Movement H8194C Christian History Fieldwork (Holy Lands) M8100C Introduction to Intercultural Mission M8101C Missiological Hermeneutics M8109C Introduction to Discipleship M8120C Anthropology for Christian Mission M8128C Engaging in Intercultural Ministry (Mission Fieldwork) M8140C Encountering Living Faiths M8143C Ministering to the Muslim World M8160C Personal Evangelism M9227C Intercultural Communication M9232C Spiritual Warfare and Mission M9275C Global Community Development M9291C The Missional Leader P8101C Introduction to Pastoral Care P8104C Foundations for Ministry Training P8105C Issues and Ethics in Professional Practice P8106C Accounting for Not for Profits P8107C Non-Profit Governance P8110C Foundations for Youth Ministry P8113C Children's Ministry P8115C Developing A Youth Ministry P8132C Church Planting P8148C Introduction to Christian Worship P8150C Preaching 1 P8155C Foundations of Christian Leadership P8158C Cultural Dynamics in Team Ministry P9257C Christian & Missionary Alliance Distinctives P8163C Spiritual Leadership P8171C Supervised Ministry 1 P8171C Chaplaincy Supervised Ministry P8172C Practice of Professional Supervision P8192C Reflecting on Vocation and Purpose in Ministry P81XXC Christian Community Engagement P81XXC Human Resources and Organisational Culture P9221C Conflict Management P9222C Mastering Change P9224C Pastoral and Spiritual Care in Mental Health P9236C The Theology and Practice of Social Justice P9251C Preaching 2 P9258C Strategic Thinking and Decision Making P9272C Supervised Ministry 2 P9278C Advanced Skills in Professional Supervision P9290C Capstone in Pastoral Theology S8103C Spiritual Formation 4 (Personal Transformation) S8104C Spiritual Preparation for Intercultural Ministry S8105C Spiritual Formation 5 (Community Transformation) S8106C The Art and Science of Formation S8107C Creativity and Spirituality S9202C Kingdom Life S9261C Spiritual Mentoring S9262C The Art of Discernment T8101C Introduction to Theology T8128C The Church T8140C Biblical Theology of Mission T8149C Theological Ethics T8192C Suffering and Hope: Theological Reflections T9210C The Person and Work of Christ T9213C The Trinity T9216C Spirit of Life T9241C Theology of Joy T9291C Christian Apologetics Fee Acknowledgement* I acknowledge that there is a $450 fee to audit a unit for future credit.* Audit Options*Please selectAudit Materials ($150)Facilitation attendance only (full) ($150)Facilitation attendance only (single day) ($75)Facilitation attendance (full) and Audit Materials ($300)Facilitation attendance (single day) and Audit Materials ($225)Spiritual Formation: $800HiddenDates & DeadlinesHiddenTemporary: Learning CohortView Key Dates View Incidental Fees* I understand that requests submitted after the deadline may incur additional fees (see Student Handbook for more detail).* * I understand that enrolling in a unit commits me to pay the fees in full.* When you press submit you will receive an immediate automated receipt to your nominated email address for your records, and a confirmation email of your processed enrolment prior to the start of the Trimester. If you do not receive a confirmation or have any other questions please contact