The first followers of Jesus were entrusted with the task of bearing witness to what God has done through the life, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. It is clear from the New Testament that the early Church took this mission very seriously and today’s believers are equally called to be witnesses to Jesus.
This unit will focus on describing the nature of the gospel and its relationship to the mission of God and evangelism. It will be proposed that the gospel must be communicated in culturally appropriate ways understanding the times in which we live and the barriers and opportunities that our times present.
Having a theoretical understanding of the gospel and evangelism is critically important, yet practical application of these ideas is equally vital. This unit will address some of these matters such as shaping a gospel presentation, how to have conversations with people and various missional practices. A highlight of the unit is that you will be involved in 20 hours of evangelistic ministry. You will be assisted to develop ways to fulfil this requirement.