Spiritual Formation is the process of restoration in which we are formed into the image of God through Jesus Christ. It’s the work of the Holy Spirit that initiates, designs and implements this process in our lives. Our part is to be open and willing to participate in that reforming. Spiritual Formation Units are year long in their duration, involving practical and academic activities that cause us to awaken to God’s maturing action within us.
This particular unit explores sustainable models of personal transformation that are based on the life and ministry of Jesus. An essential first step to experiencing the abundant life that Jesus promises is being and becoming a beloved child of God. When we learn that we are graciously accepted in this way, we discover good and beautiful narratives that allow us to be drawn by love, vision and Spirit rather than driven by fear, guilt and shame. God’s Spirit empowers us to accomplish those things we cannot accomplish in our own strength. When we participate with the Spirit to follow Jesus on this journey, we experience a radical integration of our head, heart and hands that transforms how we serve and lead.
ACOM considers Spiritual Formation units to be essential in preparation for Christian ministry, as well as for those who already are well established in ministry, because it’s a lifelong activity. Spiritual Formation units are designed for a variety of ages and stages in life in general. Students engaging with these topics and activities will increase their God-awareness, self-awareness, personal functioning and spiritual maturity for life and ministry.
Learn more about Spiritual Formation units at ACOM